The Last Invasion 

The Fenian Raids on Canada - 1866 & 1870
by Mark Woloshen
This is a pair of games, covering the battles of Ridgeway - 2 June 1866, and Eccles Hill - 25 May 1870, when large numbers of well armed and trained Fenians crossed the U.S. - Canada border. Their goal was to take territory in an effort to put pressure on the British government.
In 1866, a large, well armed and organized Fenians launched an attack on Canada West (Ontario) to put pressure on the British government. In June of that year, 1,000 Fenians, many of them Civil War veterans, marched into Ontario and were confronted by an equal number of Canadian militia. The Battle of Ridgeway ensued, and ended with the Canadians leaving the field to the Fenians. British regulars were on the way, so the Fenians had to make their escape back into New York. Four years later, the Fenians tried again, this time in Quebec, but things had changed. Canada was now and independent country and the militia system had changed as well. The Battle of Eccles Hill showed how militia could stand up to an invader - the Fenians were repulsed. The Last Invasion is a grand tactical game, with each strength point representing 10 men and each hex representing 80 yards at Ridgeway and 30 yards at Eccles Hill.