You hear that chilling radio call in your helmet earphones as adrenalin floods your system, sending your heart racing as you slam the stick hard over and go to full power... Golf ball sized red tracers flash past your canopy as a Russian built MiG fighter streaks by you...
Experience the rush of a MiG combat encounter for yourself in Steve Dixon and Bob Best's latest addition to their popular SKYHAWK-Rolling Thunder, 1966 game. Note that Skyhawk is not needed to play Thunderchief. Thunderchief is a stand-alone game.
THUNDERCHIEF puts the player in the cockpit of an F-105D Thunderchief fighter bomber flying missions with the 355th Tactical Fighter Wing. The 355th TFW was assigned to Takhli RTAB where the USAF operated as "guests" of the Republic of Thailand. The 355th TFW flew missions from late 1965 until the Rolling Thunder Campaign ended in 1968. Fighter pilots were rotated into the wing's fighter squadrons where they would fly 100 missions and then rotated home. You play as an Air Force pilot flying strike missions against targets in North Vietnam.
THUNDERCHIEF expands the Player's ability to fight a detailed air-to-air, one-on-one Dog Fight against a Vietnamese Air Force MiG Fighter. A New Mission has been created - Close Escort MiGCAP, where you are hunting MiG Fighters and protecting the vulnerable bombers. This NEW Combat System takes the basic abstracted "MiG encounter" found in the original SKYHAWK game and adds a new dimension to it. Aerial Engagements are NOW fought in Combat Rounds. During each Combat Round only the Advantaged Fighter can fire its guns or missiles at their opponent. Your Fighter can end the combat round in one of three conditions; disadvantaged, advantaged or in a neutral position to begin the next round of combat. You must be advantaged to engage in combat!
THUNDERCHIEF also expands on the generic skill levels for your pilots that is found in the Original SKYHAWK Rolling Thunder game. A NEW, more immersive Character generation and "Pilot School" module has been added to the game. There are new skill levels and pilot characteristics that give each pilot in your squadron their own individual abilities and skills.
The New Combat System and Pilot School modules gives Thunderchief a whole new feel. You can now equip your Thunderchief with heat seeking Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, or use your guns for close in combat. Can you shoot down a MiG and earn a Silver Star for your victory? Find out in THUNDERCHIEF.
THUNDERCHIEF also contains a NEW US Air Force Campaign Game that shows the USAF's involvement in the Rolling Thunder Bombing Campaign. The game features the USAF F-105 Thunderchief that can be flown in either the NEW fighter vs fighter role or in the traditional bomber role.
For those players that own SKYHAWK, counters and player aids have been provided as an upgrade kit to allow players to use the Pilot School and Mig Encounter rules from Thunderchief."
More great solitaire air wargames by Steve Dixon.
